Above: Sue reading Bartram's Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine in her break.
When Sue Pearce joined Proline Botanicals as a Dispensary Assistant in February 2009 she little thought it would change her life. Now eighteen months on Sue is devoted to herbs, and is following a distance learning course to discover more about herbal medicine. Sue describes the course:
"It's the New Vitality Introduction to Herbal Medicine. You study at your own pace, and usually it takes about a year to complete. The course was recommended by Katie, who is one of the medical herbalists working at Proline. So far I've covered Anatomy and Physiology, Materia Medica, Diagnosis and Pharmacy. It's great, I'm really enjoying it. It all started when I asked questions about the work I was doing. It's opened up a whole new perspective and has made the Dispensing department much more interesting.
Proline Managing Director Tony Carter said: "We are happy to sponsor Sue through her course. It benefits everyone when personnel are enthusiastic about their work and keen to learn more. Walking through the company each morning I am always struck by the great sympathy our people have for handling herbs and refining them into fine medicines."
Sue works in the Proline Dispensing department which allows practitioners to order capsules made up to their bespoke prescription (for more about this service please call Emma on 01780 753366).
More about the New Vitality course: http://www.newvitality.org.uk/